"Red" Series: A Celebration of Color and Fantasy Part 1: "Red" in the first installment of my AI art series, I present "Red", a striking portrayal of a Black woman adorned in a black and red gown, exuding elegance amidst a sea of red...
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"Red" Series: A Celebration of Color and Fantasy Part 1: "Red" in the first installment of my AI art series, I present "Red", a striking portrayal of a Black woman adorned in a black and red gown, exuding elegance amidst a sea of red...
Blue Fantasy Art Series Blue Fantasy series consist of three captivating pieces: Blue Fantasy I, Blue Fantasy II, and Blue Fantasy III. 1. Blue Fantasy I: In the heart of an ethereal forest, a Black woman stands tall, her flowing blue gown billowing around her like a...
City of Dreams Art Series This three-part art series has a recuring motif of a Black woman against the backdrop of a cityscape and nature's elements highlights the harmonious coexistence of human, urban, and natural beauty. The first part of the series, City of...
Queen of Shadows: A Dark Fantasy Art Series This series reflect my love for dark fantasy. It is a walk into the shadow realm featuring Black women. The following art pieces reflect the dark side of artistic imagination. They establish a place where darkness...
Fairytales Reimagined This art series present a stunning reimaging of classic fairytales. This art series breathes new life into timeless stories. Each piece in this four-part collection celebrates the beauty of a Black woman, casting her as a beloved protagonist in...
Magical Trees Series Each Magical Tree piece stands tall in the fertile earth. The rich mahogany trunks, curve upward, revealing highly diverse serene faces of Black women. The hair on each piece are a cascade of leaves, branches, and flowers weaving seamlessly into...
Black Women Beauty I have three pieces of art to submit to the art's competition. Each piece celebrates the beauty of Black women in unique settings: 1. Living in Paradise: This piece of art celebrates the beauty and vibrancy of a Black woman in a tropical setting....