The Kabuki-bot Family – Holidays and Festivals Photo Album


This is a collection of the Kabuki-bot family’s holidays and festivals photos. Mum, Dad, the three kids and two dogs travel a lot to interesting and sometimes remote planets and locations to experience some of the most unique festivals in their local galaxies and beyond.


“Cherry Blossom Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Cherry Blossom Festival.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They are having lots of fun.


“Burning Desert Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Burning Desert Festival.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They keep humming the tune to Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.
They are having lots of fun.


“Planet of Fire and Water’s Gathering of the Mermaids Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Planet of Fire and Water’s Gathering of the Mermaids Festival.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They are having lots of fun.


“Tomatina Nocturnal Mayhem Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Tomatina Nocturnal Mayhem Festival on Anahu.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
When they get back to their accommodation, they are going to wring out their clothing and make some tomato soup.
They are having lots of fun.


“Krampus Festival Parade Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Krampus Festival Parade.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They are having lots of fun.


“Santa’s Little Helpers Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family“
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Santa’s Little Helpers Festival.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They are hoping to go dashing through the snow in Santa’s sleigh.
They are having lots of fun.


“Mystery Teleportation Destination Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are on holiday at the Mystery Teleportation Destination Festival Parade.
Who knows where they will end up?
Their anticipation sees them in an extremely heightened state.
They are so excited.
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They are having lots of fun.


“”Je Voudrais du Chocolat S’il te Plait” Festival Time for the Kabuki-Bot Family”
The Kabuki-Bot family are eating chocolate at the “Je Voudrais du Chocolat S’il te Plait” Festival.
Yum! Yum! They are all stuffed and yet there are still so many more ‘chocolat’ stylings to explore.
Will they push on or will they take a break and come back for seconds and thirds later?
They have their 3 kabuki-bot children and 2 kabuki-bot dogs along with them.
They are having lots of fun.