The Warehouse of Souls

In “Mass Production II,” Fjell Bergen continues his incisive commentary on the commodification of human beings, pushing the narrative into the subsequent stages of a product’s lifecycle—packaging, storage, and delivery. Here, the generative art medium shines, as Bergen employs it to further deconstruct the human experience into a series of transactional moments. The individuals, once produced, are now items to be barcoded, shelved, and shipped, their destinies as predetermined and impersonal as any consumer good.

The particular viewpoint of the artist is unyielding and unapologetic. Bergen’s work does not seek to comfort; it seeks to confront. The serialization of humans in this series is a metaphor for the erasure of personal narratives in favor of a collective, homogenized existence. The critique extends beyond the images themselves and into the realm of the process—Bergen’s use of AI to generate these artworks is a deliberate choice that underscores his message about the role of technology in shaping human destiny.

Generative art, in the hands of Fjell Bergen, becomes a poignant commentary on the state of humanity. It is the perfect medium for this type of artwork, as it allows for the exploration of themes like replication, alteration, and the blurring of individuality.

Bergen’s art is a mirror held up to a society that is increasingly comfortable with the idea of humans as interchangeable units, and it asks a question that is as unsettling as it is necessary: what does it mean to be human in a world where everything can be replicated, even our very selves?



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