Mass Production II

The Warehouse of Souls In "Mass Production II," Fjell Bergen continues his incisive commentary on the commodification of human beings, pushing the narrative into the subsequent stages of a product's lifecycle—packaging, storage, and delivery. Here, the generative art medium shines, as Bergen employs it to further deconstruct the human experience into a series of transactional moments. The individuals, once produced, are now items to be barcoded, shelved, and shipped, their destinies as...

Mass Production I

The Manufacture of the Human Condition "Mass Production I" by Fjell Bergen is a haunting visual symphony that resonates with the cold precision of a society obsessed with efficiency. Bergen's generative art series is a masterclass in the serialization of the human form, where each figure is encased within glass boxes, stripped of their uniqueness and reduced to mere components in a larger, impersonal system. The nudity of these figures is not for shock value; rather, it serves to underscore...


"Mud" Urban Requiem Mud, by artist Yor Enala is a visceral and haunting video that plunges us into a dystopian world, where the once-thriving metropolis is now consumed by a suffocating deluge of mud. The apocalyptic scenario is vividly realized through meticulously crafted AI-generated artworks, which evoke a sense of desolation and despair. Enigmatic beings, ominously brandishing flags, loom over the cityscape, their presence shrouded in mystery, leaving viewers to grapple with their...


"City of lost grace: urban fallen angels" The "Fallen" series is a compelling and multifaceted exploration of human beauty, fragility, and the complexities of urban life. Through AI-Photography, the artist portrays stereotypically beautiful individuals adorned with angel wings, a juxtaposition that blurs the lines between the ethereal and the mundane. In some of the artworks, we witness only glimpses of these urban angels, with only their shoes and feathers visible, inviting us to use our...

Rust I

FROM FLESH TO RUSTIn days long past beneath the endless sky's dome, Humans and their crafted kin found a shared home. Steel and flesh intertwined in destiny's loom, Mirroring each other, in triumph...


Sentient Awakening: A Poignant Journey into AI Consciousness In this series, Zoh Lym presents a vision of a world where mass-produced humanoid robots awaken to the possibilities of their existence and strive towards becoming sentient beings. Some of the AI-generated images reflect a poignant reflection on the notion of freedom and autonomy. They portray the humanoid robots confined in closed spaces, often immobilized in queues or formations. These depictions convey a profound sense of...


Exploring Mysticism and Spirituality through Surreal Imagery The collaboration between artists Markka Taylor and Zoh Lym in the series "Devotions" presents a captivating fusion of spiritual and religious themes, intertwined with surreal and enigmatic elements. Building upon the visual narrative established in Lym's previous series, "Hair," the artworks within "Devotions" depict groups of individuals connected by hair that envelops their entire bodies, fostering a profound sense of spirituality...

Awakening Stones

A Profound Exploration of Life and Transformation Markka Taylor's "Awakening Stones" series takes us on a captivating journey through the interplay between life and inanimate art within the depths of an inundated cathedral. Through the use of AI-generated imagery, the artist delves into the realm of transformation, inviting viewers to witness the statues' evolution from inert stone to sentient beings. The artworks in this series emanate a powerful emotional charge, capturing the agony and...


Enigmatic Surrealism of Sensuality and Spirituality The series "Submerged" from Markka Taylor presents mesmerizing AI-generated artworks set within a submerged cathedral, where surreal elements converge with ethereal beauty. Predominantly featuring women in various poses, locations, and underwater environments surrounded by fish, wedding dresses, and flowing hair, these enigmatic images evoke a delicate balance between calm sensuality and deep spirituality. The collection defies traditional...


Hair: Enigmatic Surrealism Unveils the Mysteries of Connection Zoh Lym's series "Hair" presents a mesmerizing collection of AI-generated artworks that delve into the surreal and enigmatic realms of human connection and transformation. Within these dark and captivating images, long hair becomes both a metaphorical shroud and a unifying force, concealing and binding individuals in a mysterious and ritualistic dance. The imagery within the series is evocative and haunting, capturing the viewer's...


Bridging Realism and Expressionism in the World of Generative Art Zoh Lym's latest series, "Puppets," unveils a captivating exploration of the intricate relationship between human emotion and inanimate objects. Through meticulously crafted cloth dolls and rustic, raw materials, the artist seamlessly merges the familiar with the fantastical, creating a visual narrative that tugs at the heartstrings. The puppets within the series exude a strong human and sensitive essence, evident in their...

Soil’s Souls

Soil's Souls This series of AI generative artworks from Zoh Lym presents a haunting yet captivating glimpse into a world of emotional depth and melancholic beauty. The figures that emerge from the roots and clay are both disturbing and entrancing, with their twisted and merged forms conveying a sense of otherworldly origin. The earthy tones of the color palette add to the overall sense of groundedness and primordial energy, while also conveying the solemnity and gravity of the themes explored...


ADENDROIDS As an old man now, I look back on my life and realise that my fascination with dendroids started when I was just a child. I remember hearing stories about these humanoid fruits that grew inside the massive Colossus Dendron trees, and I was captivated by the idea of living my life attached to a tree without the possibility of separating from it. As I grew older, my fascination only intensified, and I spent countless hours imagining what it would be like to be a dendroid. I would sit...

Spirits at dawn

Ethereal Encounters: Spirits at Dawn Unveils Transcendence Through AI Photography The series "Spirits at Dawn" presents a collection of photographs that encapsulate a mystical and fleeting moment during the break of dawn. In these captivating images, ethereal spirits gracefully defy gravity, their bodies and garments flowing in harmony with the gentle sea breeze. The soft hues of the sunrise and the serene expanse of the sea complement the overall ambiance, immersing viewers in a dreamlike...

Colossus Dendron

The Colossus Dendron Description and taxonomy The Colossus Dendron was a highly diverse and persistent tree species that belonged to the family of Antiquus Vetu Ingentia, characterized by their immense size and longevity. The tree could live for thousands of years, and its trunk could reach several kilometers in circumference, making it one of the largest and most important organisms on the planet. Its massive structure was supported by a combination of dense, woody tissue and fibrous, spongy...

Rooted (jumps)

Rooted (jumps) This series is an exploration of the relationship between nature and spirituality, as well as the delicate balance between life and death. The figures, half-women and half-roots, convey a sense of groundedness and rootedness in the earth, while their upward-facing heads and bodies suggest a striving towards something beyond the physical realm. They appear to be in a state of metamorphosis, with their bodies transforming into intricate root systems that ground them to the earth...
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