Category: AI-ARTS COMPETITION 3rd Edition


The page presents the diverse artworks submitted for the 3rd AI Art Competition 2024. You are invited to explore these creative works and participate by "rating" them with the stars rating system and "voting" for your favourites using the thumbs-up icon. Your input will contribute to recognising and celebrating the standout pieces in this collection.

Functional clothing for a not-so-fictional future

An attempt to guide AI to truly creative design using the example of fashion design.
In philosophy, we are still a long way from finally defining the origins of our thoughts and ideas.
Language makes us social beings. The idea of communicating something specific arises from our thoughts. The source of the idea does not only consist of what we have learned and socialization. Just as AI makes use of an unbelievable data set resolved into noise, our subjective reality is formed from the filter processes available to us, such as seeing, hearing, understanding, etc., from a pool of infinite information. From noise.

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