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Evolutio Technica
In 2015, the United Nations formulated 17 goals aimed at promoting global health and education, reducing inequalities, strengthening economic growth, and combating climate change. When it comes to environmental and climate protection, most people do not think of artificial intelligence. However, according to a study by the scientific journal “Nature,” the use of AI can help achieve over 100 sub-goals for sustainable development.
Nature Conservation
Comparison of aerial photographs to detect illegal deforestation of rainforests. Preservation of biodiversity through the use of a computer vision algorithm. Networking of databases to analyze desertification trends.
Precision Agriculture
Efficient cultivation of crops and vegetables through the use of cloud-controlled field robots, environmentally friendly application of fertilizers and pesticides. Care and health monitoring of livestock.
Technical Development
Technology for remote sensing of ecosystems. Development of emission-free mobility, renewable energies to meet energy needs.