"The Encounter with the Incomprehensible"

Title: "The Encounter with the Incomprehensible".
Dimensions: 7042 by 4003 pixels; 186 by 104 centimeters.

It's often said that if something could be easily explained, there would be no need to paint it. Indeed, my art emerges where words fail, and I prefer not to dilute the experience with too many explanations, preferring to let the work speak for itself.

This work was created using a technique i call "neural collage," where generative AI is harnessed to produce samples for the collage, which I then assemble to form a coherent idea and composition. The process includes a combination of traditional digital techniques and neural interventions. The generative model itself was trained on my own drawings and sculptures, ensuring a continuity of my artistic essence in this new medium.

The generative model itself was trained on my own drawings and sculptures, which I believe is quite ethical.

The concept arose from pondering how to illustrate the indescribable—does a prompt exist for the ineffable? No matter what, some aspect will be described. I approached this challenge by creating a piece so rich in detail that it becomes difficult to encapsulate, hence the large scale and "maximalist render" of the artwork.

There's more I could say, but it's better to just look and experience the piece yourself.