The church of RGB and the search of the light bearer

In a bleak and desolate future, where hope is but a distant memory, a flicker of light emerges. Amidst the shadows, a mysterious cyberpunk sect rises, worshipping the sacred trinity of RGB—Red, Green, and Blue. They whisper of a prophecy, foretelling the arrival of a new light bearer who will illuminate the darkness. Their priests, entwined with invisible beams of light, commune with the celestial source that breathes life from the heavens. As the sect’s influence spreads, the world braces for the dawn of a new era, where technology and mysticism collide in a battle for the soul of humanity.



I base my images on classical art historical paintings from the 1600s to the 1900s. In this case, portrait art and religious images, but they gain new, exciting, and unexpected stories when they encounter new techniques and ideas.