Surrealist Landscapes – An Experiment with 7 Colors and One Prompt


I enjoy experimenting with my prompts and try to visualize the image in my mind as detailed as possible. But can artificial intelligence also be creative within certain limits? To find out, I used the same prompt seven times and only changed the specified color.

Red is a color associated with energy and fire. It represents strength, warmth, and passion.
The color yellow is considered a symbol of a sharp mind and intellect. It stands for truth, rationality, and wisdom.
Black is timeless, elegant, and a symbol of strength. The color also stands for the mystical, unknown and dark.
Brown is the color of nature. As a symbol of the earth’s soil, it stands for steadfastness. Therefore, it is associated with security, safety, stability, comfort, and reliability.
Purple originally stood for humility, virtue, and penance. The color is very complex and also symbolizes the mysterious and mystical. It stands for pausing and deep rest, royal opulence and extravagance.
Green stands for serenity and relaxation. As the color of flora, it represents the power of nature, growth, and fertility.
The color white stands for purity and new beginnings. It symbolizes innocence and perfection, clarity, and lightness.