About Me

I've been interested and involved in art since I could pick up a pencil or crayon. I was always excited for art class in school. I went to college for art. I received a Bachelor of Fine Art degree. A couple of my first jobs involved some form of art, whether it was sign making, illustration, making a business card, or catalogue. Within that time, I had gravitated more toward the digital side and graphic design. It was wherever I could get a job. I had stepped away from the more traditional mediums, at least in creation, not appreciation. I'm now a Production Supervisor at an ad agency, which covers the the more technical side of the art, not really the creation. It was and is easy for me.
I've been wanting to get back into some form of art creation to help that itch without the pressure of my job depending on it. I wanted to start painting again, but I didn't want the mess and didn't have the space at the time. I would draw now and again, but that wasn't the outlet I sought. I eventually picked up knitting. This was new for me. I primarily stuck to the 2D. I had fun with, but never excelled the way I wanted with 3D. This was something I could easily practice. In that practice, I still had something tangible that showed my progress. I enjoy the making and designing and having something real.
Again, I love this as a hobby and side-gig, but it still didn't cure the itch. I want to create something more.
I started researching Generative AI as part of a work assignment. Learn the basics and try to teach others. What I have created was for tutorials.
What I learned is that it is such a wonderful tool. You can create something visual with just words. Some may think its lazy or an easy way to create art. It may be. But similar things have been said about digital art, post-modern and modern art etc etc. Art is subjective and not everyone will like it. What matters is the intent behind it.
