About Me

I'm Darien. I am an AI consultant, specialist and commercial image designer and trainer. I am also the founder of Nextelligence, an AI business transformation consultancy, developer artist for Leia Inc. (now Immersity), Fashion Design Runner Up on the global Fiverr AI art competition 2023, featured in Falcon and Alana magazine, winner of the MaisonDAO & xAiDrip! Earth & EcoFuturism fashion competitions and a regular speaker at summits and conventions on the practical, creative and commercial application of generative AI. I advise companies on workflow optimisation, strategic business transformation and leveraging generative AI tools to supercharge creative and business endeavors. I am also part of the Kepler Crew, a globally distributed team of artists, writers, space engineers and generative AI experts, coming together to create the multimedia experience and ecosystem that is The Kepler Files (www.keplerfiles.com).

As a creative individual, I have spent many years creating art, writing, producing, directing and shooting film and video alongside exploring modalities for creative design, storytelling and immersive design. I teach others on generative AI image creation from a human-first perspective, prioritizing heuristics, lateral thinking and the power of ideation and execution. For my own work, I specialize in 'Photo-feelism', my own term for defining works that transcend the boundaries of the tools used to create them and carry an elevated order of believable realism about them, no matter how fantastical the concept. While I specialize in more photo-realistic results, I continuously create in a variety of styles and am a huge advocate for image generation tools being used as force-multipliers, building on our innate imaginations, cultural sensitivities and curatorial instincts.

I am excited by the prospect of creation and had, without realizing it at the time, been working for years, towards building deep foundations that support my use of generative AI,
