

designer - sounddesigner - (post-)photographer - artist from bavaria, germany: studies in communication design in augsburg and partly sounddesign in berlin. exhibitions in media arts and fluctuative, dadaistic happenings as well as noisy futuristic stage shows. -> now: giving ai a wry try:

Functional clothing for a not-so-fictional future

An attempt to guide AI to truly creative design using the example of fashion design.
In philosophy, we are still a long way from finally defining the origins of our thoughts and ideas.
Language makes us social beings. The idea of communicating something specific arises from our thoughts. The source of the idea does not only consist of what we have learned and socialization. Just as AI makes use of an unbelievable data set resolved into noise, our subjective reality is formed from the filter processes available to us, such as seeing, hearing, understanding, etc., from a pool of infinite information. From noise.

Domestic Accidents

  Domestic Accidents   Using the example of improper operation of ordinary vacuum cleaners.  

Fingers, Faces & Wrinkles…

  Fingers, Faces & Wrinkles...   ...more wrinkles!!!  


  THE CULT   What classifies as a cult? - The term “cult” refers most often to a group of people with usually atypical beliefs living in relative isolation from the world. 😀  

Humanist Experiments

  Humanist Experiments   No description available at the moment. Please try again later...  

Transformation study of impossible dance to skinny calligraphy

  Transformation study of impossible dance to skinny calligraphy   Calligraphy and dance share a profound connection in their emphasis on rhythm, fluidity, and expression. Both art forms require a deep understanding of movement, balance, and timing, allowing...


  ROLLERDERBY   A rough & tough day on the roller rink...  


  A WONDERFUL DAY AT THE PHARMACY   Just an ordinary day at the pharmacy around the corner...