Wojtek G

Wojtek G

I graduated technical college (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza in Kraków, Poland), but I always was "glued" to all kind of arts. I play guitar, I wrote songs and poetry, I mastered by myself Photoshop to satisfied level. Now AI graphic. Why? I wonder to what degree I can control what is uncontrollable and unpredictable. Most interesting things is the time between when I hit "create" baton and an image will appear. How close it is to an image in my mind. ... After I worked about 2 years in my profession ( metallurgy ), still under communist regime, I immigrated to the USA, where I lived 30 years and I worked as a tractor trailer driver( great job as I was Teamsters Union member) Four years ago me and my wife returned to my home in Poland.

Wojtek G
Wojtek G
I graduated technical college (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza in Kraków, Poland), but I always was "glued" to all kind of arts. I play guitar, I wrote songs and poetry, I mastered by myself Photoshop to satisfied level. Now AI graphic. Why? I wonder to what degree I can control what is uncontrollable and unpredictable. Most interesting things is the time between when I hit "create" baton and an image will appear. How close it is to an image in my mind. ... After I worked about 2 years in my profession ( metallurgy ), still under communist regime, I immigrated to the USA, where I lived 30 years and I worked as a tractor trailer driver( great job as I was Teamsters Union member) Four years ago me and my wife returned to my home in Poland.


Black Death – part 3

  Black Death - part 3   Part 3 is about freedom of expression and about freedom what to choose and how our choices can determine our life. Symbolically speaking - to eat or to stay safe.  

Black Death – part 2

  Black Death - part 2   This part is about terrible, suffering, unpredictable times when even enemies become "friends" because to be together is the only hope to stay alive.   What I like in this image is the arraignment of people. They in...

Black death – part 1

  Black death - part 1   This project started as an exploration about black death in the Middle Ages, but it quickly turned to COVID-19 and then freedom of choice. Part 1 is about suffering, fear, about something new and unknown.