Wojtek G

Wojtek G

I graduated technical college (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza in Kraków, Poland), but I always was "glued" to all kind of arts. I play guitar, I wrote songs and poetry, I mastered by myself Photoshop to satisfied level. Now AI graphic. Why? I wonder to what degree I can control what is uncontrollable and unpredictable. Most interesting things is the time between when I hit "create" baton and an image will appear. How close it is to an image in my mind. ... After I worked about 2 years in my profession ( metallurgy ), still under communist regime, I immigrated to the USA, where I lived 30 years and I worked as a tractor trailer driver( great job as I was Teamsters Union member) Four years ago me and my wife returned to my home in Poland.

Wojtek G
Wojtek G
I graduated technical college (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza in Kraków, Poland), but I always was "glued" to all kind of arts. I play guitar, I wrote songs and poetry, I mastered by myself Photoshop to satisfied level. Now AI graphic. Why? I wonder to what degree I can control what is uncontrollable and unpredictable. Most interesting things is the time between when I hit "create" baton and an image will appear. How close it is to an image in my mind. ... After I worked about 2 years in my profession ( metallurgy ), still under communist regime, I immigrated to the USA, where I lived 30 years and I worked as a tractor trailer driver( great job as I was Teamsters Union member) Four years ago me and my wife returned to my home in Poland.



  Gaza   Gaza at this moment(February 2025) is completely forgotten land. Why? Because Ukraine is in the focus of the USA and EU. No judgment. Just the facts. ... Why did I use rags, wools, fabric, flaggs? I think rubbels and ruins have become commonplace. I...

Africa – nothing has changed

  Africa - nothing has changed   Africa. Wars. Hunger. Exploitation. Forgotten land. I think the pictures are self-explanatory, but the one with bitcoin came up instead of my request for a dollar coin. I guess it's sign of time. For good or for the...

Women and war

  Women and war   I wish a book about influence of women on wars were wrote. Could they help to start or to end a war ? Probably women have zero to say in this matter. For good or for bad ?  

Black Death – part 3

  Black Death - part 3   Part 3 is about freedom of expression and about freedom what to choose and how our choices can determine our life. Symbolically speaking - to eat or to stay safe.  

Black Death – part 2

  Black Death - part 2   This part is about terrible, suffering, unpredictable times when even enemies become "friends" because to be together is the only hope to stay alive.   What I like in this image is the arraignment of people. They in...

Black death – part 1

  Black death - part 1   This project started as an exploration about black death in the Middle Ages, but it quickly turned to COVID-19 and then freedom of choice. Part 1 is about suffering, fear, about something new and unknown.