

I am Sage Crystalman. I live in South Dakota, USA. Most of 57 years, I’ve practiced many kinds of creative arts! Drawing, arts & crafts, wood, metal, plastic, carving, forging, costume creation for competition, digital (pc art and video game play maps), photography, videography, and some creative writing. Recently I went into online photography sales, expanding into AI art to match a collection of my own captions of humor and philosophy. I access it via my account with Printify. It was like a missing part of myself, complimenting my vast and multi-dimensional imagination! I photograph wild flora & fauna, landscapes & storms. I use nature and natural materials with trick photography to create surreal images. With AI assistance, I create otherworldy, mythological & fantasy scenes & creatures. I have a wild life / wild lands conservation degree, Forage, hunt (rarely), & fish in a permaculture respect. I've been evolving my photography / videography (and editing) skills over my lifetime. I started exploring and writing about cosmic structure and philosophy in respect to ontology, metaphysics, and epistemology at age 11, going at it for 33+ years! I'm a natural mystic as well, which helps... with everything.

Cosmic Introspection

Why be born, dream, struggle, know self, transform, be distinct, die, reincarnate, master, and ascend?
Am I a fragment of the One, exploring other fragments of the same?
What will I be at the end of my existential adventure?