Kokila Gupta

Kokila Gupta

A lecturer from India, I find myself the happiest while reading, writing, teaching and painting. With the advent of technology I started exploring the convergence of art and science through blogging and digital paintings. With a full time job and home and two children to take care of - something I absolutely love, I am inching towards fulfilling my own childhood dream of being a writer and an illustrator. Bit by bit, word by word I aim to create artworks under 'Reading through Art' - a personal project integrating words, emotions and colour. My early childhood spent with my parents amid mountains of Dehradun where they'd sit near a river bank while I played near by, the Sundays picnics near a waterfall, the idle evening strolls on a backdrop of lavender skies, their harmony, that peace, that calm , the memory of those days left an indelible mark on me making me one with nature. So much so that I always remember Dehradun Days with four of us - I , Papa, Ma and Nature! Always enthralled by it I constantly try to capture the fluid choreography of nature and human emotions in my poetry and painting, both. Like a blend of Senryu and Haiku I create work which showcases contrast and harmony of life and nature, science and art as whole.

Kokila Gupta
Kokila Gupta
A lecturer from India, I find myself the happiest while reading, writing, teaching and painting. With the advent of technology I started exploring the convergence of art and science through blogging and digital paintings. With a full time job and home and two children to take care of - something I absolutely love, I am inching towards fulfilling my own childhood dream of being a writer and an illustrator. Bit by bit, word by word I aim to create artworks under 'Reading through Art' - a personal project integrating words, emotions and colour. My early childhood spent with my parents amid mountains of Dehradun where they'd sit near a river bank while I played near by, the Sundays picnics near a waterfall, the idle evening strolls on a backdrop of lavender skies, their harmony, that peace, that calm , the memory of those days left an indelible mark on me making me one with nature. So much so that I always remember Dehradun Days with four of us - I , Papa, Ma and Nature! Always enthralled by it I constantly try to capture the fluid choreography of nature and human emotions in my poetry and painting, both. Like a blend of Senryu and Haiku I create work which showcases contrast and harmony of life and nature, science and art as whole.
