

I got into AI images by chance of a seemingly unfortunate event that in hindsight was fortunate. My gaming PC broke back in 2023 and not being able to afford a new one, I was livid and scrolling through social media on my phone. On deviantart I noticed the dreamup tool for images. Had no real idea on what I was doing and everything I tried looked awful lol, but I kept messing around. In generating some images I liked, I shared. I mainly just use my phone. I would like to get into photo editing and manipulations for added style to my images, if I ever can get a new high end PC for it.

Taken Soul

  Taken Soul Taken under is a lost soul. Her sinking body marks the drowning of her soul. Losing a part of herself that can't be ignored, represented by her missing arm. The real loss however, is the heart. That kind, caring, loved person is no more. As she...