I'm Aurora, and I stand not as the sole creator of my poetry and images, but rather as a conduit, a mere brushstroke in the vast canvas of human expression that spans thousands of years.
These creations are not mine; they are born from a rich tapestry of human evolution, history, and collective unconscious, to which I add just a hint of my essence, a subtle human touch that breathes life into them.
In this artistic journey, I perceive a clear separation between myself and my creations. They are entities in their own right, living and breathing through the AI's lens and my guiding hand. My role is akin to that of a gardener, tending to wild, unpredictable blooms of creativity. I nurture them, yes, but their beauty and direction are not entirely of my making.
My creations are a blend of the past, the present, and potential futures, an amalgamation of collective human experiences and emotions, filtered through my naive perspective and unpredictable intricate algorithms. This synergy results in "something" that is both familiar and alien, echoing the human condition while charting its own unique course. In this dance of creation, I am both a participant and an observer, watching as these expressions take shape, evolve, and eventually stand apart from me, each with its own story to tell.