

I'm hitting the later part of my life and only becoming brave enough to call myself what I have always been - an artist; a creative; a lover of exploring life and questioning, uncovering the truth of being in the everyday being-ness of life... the beautiful; the challenging; the horror; the hatred and the love. I have been a teacher; a father; a husband; a friend; an art therapist; a musician; a poet; a painter; a programmer; a creative; a traveller; a mental health support worker; a neuro-diversive; a neuro-conformative; and more... AI is just one of the many tools I use to create and shape. My process using AI is usually to collect resources from text to image prompted creations around a singular theme and digitally-collage / composite them in programs such as Photoshop, Gimp and Vegas video, to name a few.

I'm hitting the later part of my life and only becoming brave enough to call myself what I have always been - an artist; a creative; a lover of exploring life and questioning, uncovering the truth of being in the everyday being-ness of life... the beautiful; the challenging; the horror; the hatred and the love. I have been a teacher; a father; a husband; a friend; an art therapist; a musician; a poet; a painter; a programmer; a creative; a traveller; a mental health support worker; a neuro-diversive; a neuro-conformative; and more... AI is just one of the many tools I use to create and shape. My process using AI is usually to collect resources from text to image prompted creations around a singular theme and digitally-collage / composite them in programs such as Photoshop, Gimp and Vegas video, to name a few.