Abelio Imago

Abelio Imago

My name is Abelio Imago, an artist deeply inspired by the world around me—everyday life, culture, and the creative works I've encountered through books, films, and paintings. My artistic journey began with a desire to capture these influences in a way that feels both personal and universal. I explore both the imagination and reality, turning these moments into vibrant visual stories. Recently, I’ve been working on a series of fantastical portraits that draw from different eras, blending historical and modern inspiration to create something entirely new. My work is an evolving reflection of my experiences, shaped by curiosity, creativity, and the endless beauty I find in the world.

Golden Age Collection

  Golden Age Collection The Golden Age Collection delves deep into ancient history, reinterpreting historical graffiti and inscriptions through the bold visual language of AI-generated art, blending them with Baroque and Renaissance-era aesthetics. The collection...