My Creative Journey I am an emerging artist exploring new artistic expressions through AI art. Six months ago, I began creating works using AI technology, and the positive reactions from those around me encouraged me to start my journey in earnest. To make a living, I engage in various AI-related work while selling my creations, and I am committed to continuing down this path with relentless learning and passion. Source of Inspiration My source of inspiration primarily comes from AI technology and its possibilities. The exploration of how technological advancements can expand creative expression drives me greatly. Additionally, the positive feedback and support from those around me motivate me to keep striving. Artistic Endeavors My artistic efforts are mainly focused on digital art utilizing AI. I create innovative and unique works using AI tools such as DALL-E and Midjourney. Though I still have much to learn to be fully recognized as an artist, I am persistent in studying and progressing along this path. Beginning of AI Art My journey into AI art began with simple curiosity. The idea that I, who couldn't draw, could create beautiful works through AI fascinated me. When I showed my first creation to people around me, the unexpected positive response boosted my confidence. This experience led me to continue creating, and now, to make a living, I sell my works and aim to inspire more people. Future Goals Thank you for the opportunity to share a glimpse into my unique world of creativity. My journey has just begun, and I hope to continue growing and developing as an artist.

Mystical Diamond Chameleon: Ethereal Glow and Other Works

  Mystical Diamond Chameleon: Ethereal Glow and Other Works   "Mystical Diamond Chameleon: Ethereal Glow and Other Works" is a captivating collection that blends the mesmerizing qualities of a chameleon with the timeless beauty of a diamond. This...